Sounds of Encouragement
Sounds of Encouragement
Interview with Gurmehar Singh, Artist
Artist Gurm was born in India, grew up in China and currently resides in Thailand. Having grown up and been schooled in an international environment, immersed throughout in a multi-cultural atmosphere, she has always been fascinated with the unique cultural elements and stories from all over the world. After following art as a passion since her middle school days, she honed her skills by doing a Masters in Visual Arts (Studio Art) in Hong Kong. She works in the medium of drawing, painting and mixed media, and also enjoys writing and vlogging. She has had several solo exhibitions in China and has gained recognition of her art globally. Gurm’s artistic inspiration comes from everyday life. She is interested in creating works that represent the familiar world around us. By looking beyond the obvious, Gurm reconstructs the everyday environment around us into something artistically unique, which allows the audience to discover beauty in unusual places.
For Gurm, art is not only a way to express herself, but also a therapeutic path of self-discovery. She likes to think that she has not found art, but rather art has found her. She perceives art as a medium to radiate bliss and peace of mind, and to bring life to the present moment. Gurm wants people to look at her artworks and experience the same feeling she has while creating them – freedom, satisfaction, and a journey of self-reflection.
See and Learn about Gurm's art at https://gurmsart.com
Top 5 Songs of Encouragement
1) "Imagine" by John Lennon
2) "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers
3) "Firework" by Katy Perry
4) "This is Me" from the Greatest Showman
5) "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors